Roots of nature

Herbal remedies & Nature connection

Reconnecting with our roots
For a life more in tune with nature, our self & each other.

‘And into the forest, I go, to lose my mind and find my soul’
– John Muir

Queen of Roses

Easter special: £25 a jar or £50 for 3

Delightful all natural and luscious facial creme for your physical and emotional wellbeing.

Its smooth, rich texture together with the natural and full bodied scent of three different, high quality rose essential oils is nourishing on all different levels to the core of your being.

Promoting the feeling of love and calm at the beginning of your day, with the deep knowing that with love comes strength.

To order, please contact: / 07930901662 (Mon-Sat 9-6pm)

Likewise, if you purchase any 3 items, the cheapest item free.

Wishing you a lovely, fragrant Easter full of joy, love & light